Welcome to Fellowship with The Gathering
Fellowship is a space for The Gathering to come together to pray, to listen and connect with each other, especially during these challenging times of the coronavirus pandemic. We seek to find community and solidarity in the midst of social distancing, love and hope in Christ, and to provide support for our Asian American community.
How do we fellowship together?
The leaders welcome us and go over what we will do together.
We will quiet our hearts and thoughts.
We will pray the Litany for the Coronavirus together (see below).
We will have a time of sharing.
We will end by praying the Lord’s Prayer together.
Litany for The Coronavirus Pandemic
O God, source of life, wellspring of health and wholeness, whose love and grace rain down on all creatures: we cry out to you. Holy God, hear our voices as we struggle with the coronavirus pandemic. Listen to your people with compassion, as we pray for all who may be affected by the virus:
O God the Creator, Maker of heaven and earth, O God the Son, Redeemer of the world, O God the Holy Spirit, Sanctifier of the faithful,
Have mercy upon us.
For government leaders, and all who can reduce the suffering in our communities, our nation, and the world.
Merciful God, we ask You to protect and sustain them.
For all who provide health care and for first responders who work to protect us.
Merciful God, we ask You to protect and sustain them.
For the science and research community who may hasten the development of vaccines and relief to our miseries.
Merciful God, we ask You to protect and sustain them.
For all essential workers who work to sustain us by feeding us, keeping us connected, and helping us maintain our daily lives.
Merciful God, we ask You to protect and sustain them.
For our educators and teachers who adjust to teaching remotely, and for journalists who keep us informed.
Merciful God, we ask You to protect and sustain them.
For those who fill our lives with beauty, music, drama, and art so that we can be reminded of the wonder of your creation.
Merciful God, we ask You to protect and sustain them.
For parents who stay at home and juggle many roles to care for their children and manage the household, and for our children who might struggle to understand these current times.
Merciful God, we ask You to protect and sustain them.
For those who are unemployed, uninsured, or without food, shelter, or resources, struggling to maintain their health in a hostile environment;
Merciful God, we ask You to protect and sustain them.
For the poor, the lonely, the vulnerable, the isolated.
Merciful God, we ask You to protect and sustain them.
For the incarcerated in body and spirit.
Merciful God, we ask You to protect and sustain them.
For all the victims of racism especially those targeted by anger and fear of this disease, and all who need protection.
Merciful God, we ask You to protect and sustain them.
For our clergy, church staff, local and national faith leaders, the priesthood of all believers, and all who remind us that we are made in Your image.
Merciful God, we ask You to protect and sustain them.
For all who are inflicted with COVID-19, and especially all who are experiencing difficulty recovering;
Merciful God, we ask You to protect and sustain them.
For all who have died of the coronavirus and their grieving families;
Merciful God, we ask You to grant the faithfully departed eternal life and peace. Sustain and comfort those who grieve.
Almighty God, who has promised to hear the petitions of those who ask in your Son's Name: We beseech you to mercifully hear us who have now made our prayers and supplications to you; and grant that those things which we have asked faithfully according to your will may be granted to the relief of our great need, and to the setting forth of your glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
(Melvin M Soriano)
Prayers and Thanksgiving
We share our prayers and thanksgiving with each other.